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NY Post: Lobbying, Financial Dealings In Biden Family Face Scrutiny – Hedge Fund Scam

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When Joe Biden’s son Hunter needed investors to help buy a New York-based hedge fund, the first financier to step forward was a Chicago lobbying firm and one of the senator’s top contributors. After the first attempt to buy the fund soured, one of Joe Biden’s top advisers, who co-owns a lobbying and communications firm. Investors say it was a scam, says the New York Post.

The case, still working its way through New York’s courts, illustrates an often-mentioned vulnerability of Joe Biden after 36 years in the Senate: his ties with Washington lobbyists, including those of his son Hunter.

Democrats were hoping to avoid Republican attacks and insider dealings when they chose the Delaware Democrat to join presidential hopeful Barack Obama and his message of political change.

But the legal dispute has offered inside glimpses of the deals, including revelations that a corporate counsel working for the Hunter Biden-led venture was awaiting sentencing on a federal money-laundering charge, and allegations of drug abuse by one hedge fund’s senior officers and prior owners–James Park, the son of the Rev. Sun Myoung Moon

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  1. […] America.  Make sure your son is no longer a well paid lobbyist.  Have your son and brother buy a sketchy business.  What sketchy business will they buy? (a. ocaî berry marketer, b. fund-of-fund, or c. […]

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